Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pick your Poison.

Order like you would Chinese food. By number. Just stake your claim in the comments box and I will try to keep the list updated. If it says (taken), it is . . well . . . you get the idea.

1. The history of US policy regarding internet gambling up to the point of restrictions imposed in 2006 on off shore gambling sites which have greatly hindered the ability of US citizens to access these services. I am against these off shore gambling site policies of the US because they are detrimental to political relations and they prevent the United States from capitalizing on a profitable industry.

2. The topic of this paper is health care costs, and specifically how to deal with health care. This paper takes a look at universal health care, and lays out a few points on why we should not switch to this type of coverage. (Taken)

3. All bailouts are bad, especially the current one.(taken)

4. While a seemingly good socioeconomic program, welfare causes unseen or ignored problems in our economy. Along with reform, an overhaul is needed to make welfare beneficial enough to society where the benefits outweigh the costs.

5. The topic I chose for my paper is technology and jobs. I have made the argument that it is necessary to institute a government entity to review and restrict technology that could be detrimental to society.

6. One of Obama's economic policies in order to stop outsourcing of jobs is to eliminate corporate tax breaks for American companies who have operations overseas that employ foreign workers. In my paper, I argue that eliminating the corporate tax break will not solve the problem of putting an end to outsourcing, and may actually cause more problems.

7. An Unfair and Unnecessary Punishment: The Detriments of a Taxing the Wealthy
This paper examines the history of the income tax in the United States and its unfair burden on the wealthy. After examining a case study, Ireland, and the current income tax situation and its future under the Obama administration. It reccomends the use of a flat tax as the best way to reduce the tax burden on the wealthy.

8. This paper is about energy conservation and cost. A large role in the current push for conservation has been a direct result of the policy of global warming. In my opinion it is a preposterous notion and a glorified marketing ploy used to just pad the pockets of the very people pushing it down our throats. I believe that this policy does not increase energy conservation but rather, as Levons says, will actually make consumption increase and because of all the marketing around it makes the cost much higher. (taken)

9. My topic was dealing with Alternative Energy. I chose to focus on the President Obama's New Energy plan. My stance was against the additional regulation that would come about if the plan was enacted. I included a look at his policy on oil companies, wall street speculators, and carbon emissions.

10. Due to the FDA's unnecessarily stringent regulation of drugs, as a result of the 1962 Kefauver – Harris Amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, medical innovation has been substantially inhibited as a result of the economic absurdity entailed in trying to gain the FDA's approval of a new drug.

11. Structural Adjustment Programs are free market based policies imposed on developing countries that borrow from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The purpose of my paper is to illustrate how SAP’s have greatly failed and are nothing but a mechanism to sustain the American ‘Big Business’.

12. Several states impose a policy on merchants that prevents the increase of prices to meet demand during a declared state of emergency. Limits on prices create a shortage of goods and restricts the market’s ability to achieve distributive efficiency. The “price gouging” policies as they are called in legislation, are policies enacted by several states (those most likely to experience a natural disaster, Florida, California, Texas, etc.) that prevent the pressures of the market from driving prices up and efficiently allocating goods. By repealing “price gouging” policies and allowing the market to regulate price during a state of emergency in which the financial system remains relatively in tact and in which cash and credit retain their roles as transferable currency, the economy will more efficiently regulate the distribution of goods and recover much faster than it would with price ceilings in place.

13. Recent action by federal and state legislators to ban predatory lending practices embodies a paternalistic ideology to protect people from themselves. The popularity of payday lending and sub prime loans suggests the market is simply reacting to demand. The protection of few should not trump the freedom of choice for many.

14. Global warming is quickly becoming a large problem for our generation, and some of the blame can be placed on carbon dioxide emissions leading to the enhanced greenhouse effect. There are many potential plans for reducing the amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere, but the one I believe will work the best is a cap and trade program, similar to the one proposed by President Barack Obama. In these programs, a limit is set on the amount of CO2 permitted to be emitted, and permits are issued allowing companies to release a certain amount of CO2 into the atmosphere.

15. The following paper will present arguments against privatizing the distribution of water based on economic, environmental and human rights factors.

16. This paper investigates the policy of Progressive Income Taxation as a tool for redistributing income from the rich to the poor, as well as the importance of this policy in increasing the capability level of those in poverty.

17. My paper is basically about how inequality affects the economy. I’m against inequality therefore I went into detail describing how inequality is a terrible thing for the economy. I took the Civil Rights Laws to back up my argument. (taken)

18. The issue on living wage has been a pressing issue for a long time now. Some might confuse living wage to be minimum wage, but that is not the case. Living wage is described as the minimum hourly wage that is sufficient enough to provide the necessities and comforts essential to an acceptable standard of living. I disagree with living wage ordinances for reasons I have stated in the full paper.

19. This paper looks at the issue of Athletic Facilities being financed with public means. I argue that publicly funding of stadiums should be continued.

20. The United States has an international image problem, which has clearly affected diplomatic relations, and its own economic welfare. Taking more care to be sensitive to other cultures during the processes of globalization will go a long way in repairing that image.

21. Urban sprawl has led to traffic congestion, and increased congestion has fueled further sprawl. Privatization of infrastructure assets and funding said assets with tolls will stop and in some cases reverse sprawl.

22. This paper is about the environmental and economic benefits of privatizing pollution and waste removal.

23. My paper is about digital piracy. I chose the side of the argument that digital piracy should be illegal and defended it.

24. The social security program, while running a surplus as of today, is expected to become insolvent by 2041 as expenditures exceed revenues and trust funds become fully depleted. Among the solutions offered for avoiding such a situation is partial privatization of the program, having popular proponents like President George W. Bush who made this issue an important focal point of his State of the Union Address in 2005. My paper argues against implementing privatization as the solution to tackle Social Security's projected problems. (taken)

25. I believe immigration is good for America and is what made this country so great in the first place. The Immigrants bring to economic benefits to American Society. Therefore, I support the open immigration policy and will argue that the immigrants give many positive economic benefits to American Economy.

26. Evidence has shown that Americans have gained a significant amount of weight since the 1970s. This weight gain is due to a variety of factors, including an increase in calorie intake, maternal employment, medical technology, and smoking regulations. With more people becoming overweight and obese, more people have higher risks of getting cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. However, the government should not intervene; instead, individuals have the right to choose whether or not to lose weight.

27. My paper advocates for a complete privatization of K-12 education along with vouchers for poor families. The paper begins by demonstrating the poor quality of the current system, discusses reasons for that poor quality, and then posits my policy proposal. Pick me! (taken)

28. The “War On Drugs”, a rallying cry used for decades to garner support from the American people to fight the selling and use of narcotics has been shown to cause many more problems than it actually solves. This will explore different reasons for ending the war on drugs that will strengthen the government and society for everyone.

29. Of the $825 billion stimulus package proposed by President Obama, $40 billion will go towards highway expansion projects and less to public transit. I'm against this bill because highway expansion will not only increase traffic and sprawl, but also oil consumption and pollution.

30. Protectionism – I discuss the virtues of protectionist principles that are often overlooked from a strictly economic point of view. I argue the importance of some protectionist policies in regard to national interests.

31. The topic of my paper is crime, spefically how crime was affected in the passing of Prohibiton in the 1920s. Throughout the paper i decribe the negative impact prohibition had on crime as well as the economic impact that prohibition had on organized crime.

32. In this document, the sense of urgency for a developing nation to emerge in markets and with trade must facilitate an acceptable educational system that can breed technologically enhancing improvements in the infrastructure of trade and a national development. When these goals are achieved, the national capabilities can step onto the stage of the developed world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here is your list of choices. Make your choice by stating it in a comment (see link below this post.) First come, first served. If you want to try another topic, contact me via email.

Comment anonymously. But be sure to include your name in your comment.

Wealth and Poverty

Feb. 2 – Unemployment Benefits and Welfare

Social Security

Living Wage

Feb. 4 – Income Inequality

Taxing the Wealthy

Gender and Racial Inequality in Compensation

The World Stage

Feb. 9 – Technology and Jobs

Immigration and Outsourcing


Feb. 11 – Government Bailouts

Globalization and Culture

Foreign Aid

Health and Safety

Feb. 16 – Food and Drug Safety

Organ Donation

Health Care Expenses

Feb. 18 – Obesity


Disaster Relief


Feb. 23 – Speculation and Bubbles

Financial Regulation

Predatory Lending


Feb. 25 – Education Reform (K-12)

Education Reform (College)

Research Funding


Mar. 2 – Publicly Financed Sports Stadiums

Drug Use and Abuse


Energy (And Recreation cont.)

Mar. 4 – Digital Piracy

Alternative Energy

Energy Conservation and Costs


Mar. 9 – Garbage Disposal and Recycling

Traffic and Sprawl


Mar. 11 – Wildlife Conservation


Global Warming