Order like you would Chinese food. By number. Just stake your claim in the comments box and I will try to keep the list updated. If it says (taken), it is . . well . . . you get the idea.
1. The history of US policy regarding internet gambling up to the point of restrictions imposed in 2006 on off shore gambling sites which have greatly hindered the ability of US citizens to access these services. I am against these off shore gambling site policies of the US because they are detrimental to political relations and they prevent the United States from capitalizing on a profitable industry.
3. All bailouts are bad, especially the current one.(taken)
18. The issue on living wage has been a pressing issue for a long time now. Some might confuse living wage to be minimum wage, but that is not the case. Living wage is described as the minimum hourly wage that is sufficient enough to provide the necessities and comforts essential to an acceptable standard of living. I disagree with living wage ordinances for reasons I have stated in the full paper.
32. In this document, the sense of urgency for a developing nation to emerge in markets and with trade must facilitate an acceptable educational system that can breed technologically enhancing improvements in the infrastructure of trade and a national development. When these goals are achieved, the national capabilities can step onto the stage of the developed world.